Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rain, blessed rain

We've had two grey days with heavy rain, thunder 'n lightening but it's not been a penance after months of drought. As I drove out this morning the sea was molten lead and silver while the sky was awash with clouds of every conceivable shade of grey - quite beautiful. The farmers will be rejoicing and so will everything else once it goes on its way. The birds all seem to go into overdrive after good rains and the swallows will be able to start building their nests - a bit difficult without mud. It's a fairly late start to their summer breeding and apart from one day we've yet to have a proper start to summer. We're known to have four seasons in one day in this part of the world but going from 28 to 18 degrees in less than 12 hours is still worthy of comment. Just glad we've not had to travel this week - Transkei driving in the rain is only for the foolish or foolhardy - the last time I had to do it I saw 8 accidents in the four hours I had to travel and that was on a Sunday afternoon with a major Rugby match on so the roads were pretty quiet.

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